"In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us." (Flora Edwards)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Do You Call Yourself "Victim" ? By Denise Brown

Denise on October 20th, 2010
On Good Morning America yesterday, Maria Shriver shared the stories of family caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s. During the segment, Maria said: Family caregivers are victims, too.
I worry when we throw out terms like “victims” and apply them to family caregivers. A victim, in my mind, is powerless in a situation or circumstance. Once you give up your power, you’ve given up.
That’s not to say that a disease, like Alzheimer’s, that causes a caregiving situation isn’t horrible and dreadful. It is. It’s had a horrible impact on your life. It’s a dreadful situation to face every day.
But, if you’re a victim, then you wake up every day defeated. You say, I don’t think I can even try.
When you’re the anti-victim, you wake up and say: I’m going to try my best to be at my best so I can make the best of today.
This is my perspective, though. I’d love to hear yours. Please tell us in our comments section: Do you call yourself “victim”?

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And Mom Was Always There

In my crib, alone at night… wind blowing the curtains, the closet door a fright…
Thinking I was all alone, calling out in childish terror…
And mom was always there.

So many days and nights of illness, bedbound in my early years…
Always needing special care…
And mom was always there.

Traveling across the country, paper bags carried with her…
For those unpleasant moments of motion sickness…
Wish we had gone by air!
And Mom was always there.

Several deaths in the family, dad and big sis were two…
I asked, how do you go through this?
“My faith”, she said, “and you need it too”…
And Mom was always there.
Many years passed by, more then we ever imagined would…
I became her caregiver, her parent, her mom…
For over 4 years…
I was always there…

Go home now mom, it’s ok, dad is waiting for you… 
Jesus too!
Holding her hand watching her breath as her time drew near…

But mom was always here….