Denise on August 23rd, 2010 caregiving.com
Music seems quite miraculous.
Often, our memories can be tied to a song. We hear a certain song and we’re transformed to another decade, a different life, a younger self.
When we hear a snappy tune, we tap our feet, sway our head, snap our fingers.
And, singing a favorite song feels like the best kind of scream.
We also can make music without having to carry a tune. The right relationship, in which we just fit, can be like a beautiful melody. The exchange of a smile between you and a treasured someone can be like a perfect harmony.
And, when you write about your caregiving journey in your journal (or blog), you write the lyrics to a very special ballad. It’s a little bit of a concert symphony, a little bit of a musical and a lot of dramatic opera.
Most important, it’s your song. Sing the song and dance the music. Flow to the sound of caregiving. And, in the flow, find the energy to face tomorrow.
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